

Loans | Onpoint Micro Credit

Best Loan solutions

Onpoint Micro Credit is a leading financial institution in Uganda, renowned for its commitment to providing fast and reliable Loan financing solutions.

Reach us today and let’s get your loan processed quickly without any collaterals


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All About Us

Our Vision

To be the most desirable micro credit service provider, offering affordable and profitable credit to both formal and informal sector

Our Slogan

Onpoint micro credit, WE GROW TOGETHER!

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most asked questions about us

How do I apply for a Personal Loan?2024-06-26T11:35:21+00:00

You can contact us today through our mobile numbers and we help you process a loan or reach out to us through the nearest onpoint micro services branch in your area.

How long does it take for onpoint micro credit to give me a loan?2024-06-26T11:40:37+00:00

Onpoint micro services will typically send your loan funds within 24 hours after you sign your loan application and submit all the required documents and if there is no additional information or document required.

Do I need to put my land, car or house as collateral security?2024-06-26T11:44:29+00:00

No. At onpoint micro credit we will give you a loan collateral free as long as you fill our forms and have all the necessary requirements

How flexible is the loan repayment options?2024-06-26T11:50:18+00:00

Our Loan repayment is very flexible since you can also repay from your business, slowly as terms will be discussed in an agreement.

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